Monday, September 21, 2015

Hamster Wheel Without Gravity

A few nights ago, I was driving  home from a church meeting and started thinking. I actually started thinking about hair color and why in the world God decided to make me blonde. Obviously I think of very deep things when I'm driving haha. It was an interesting thought that lead me to a plethora of other, somewhat deeper questions: Why am I in this car? Why did I just go to that vision night meeting? Why am I where I'm at in life right now? Where is this leading me? Am I living purposefully and making the right choices so that I'll get where I want to be?

There is a purpose for everything that's happened, every hair on my head and every step I take- whether I take it on purpose or self-consciously. Nothing is an accident. It's all planned- minute by minute, second by second, moment by moment.

So if everything in my life has a purpose, what in the world is MY purpose? What am I supposed to do? I feel like this is something every person struggles with and I've asked myself this question a million times in the past year. Life is uncertain. No one knows what's next and it often feels like we're running a big hamster wheel in a world without gravity- you run and run and run and just as soon as you think you're starting to get somewhere, you end up upside down and then you're suddenly back to square one. Maybe I'm the only one that feels that way? Yeah? Okay, cool.

When all else fails, there's only one thing that's for sure: Jesus. And that's where our purpose lies. We should always be focused on glorifying & bringing people to Him. Displaying His love should always be our first (and maybe only) priority. Our words need to reflect who He is. Our actions need to match up to be filled with grace that only He can give. Our choices need to be based on the sacrifice He made for us. We are called to be people of love. We must remain faithful to whatever He commands us to do.  In short: "Man's chief end is to glorify God."

It's so much easier to say this than to live it out. As I'm sure you know, it's hard to move forward when you don't know what's next or what you're supposed to be doing. It's easy to lose sight of the big picture in the midst of the daily grind & struggles we go through. But we are NOTHING without Jesus. We have no purpose, no reason to live. This is our biggest responsibility, our most important calling in life. If we don't display Him, who will?

No more excuses. It's time to step it up & live out our purpose.

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