Saturday, August 31, 2013

Radical Standards.

"Never apologize for having high standards. People who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet them"

Purity is something that is often looked down upon in today's society. If you don't cuss, date every guy you meet and listen to the latest secular music (which is often terribly written... not to mention the horrendous lyrics) you typically can't fit in with the popular crowd, which means you often don't get a second look. (Or you get multiple looks because people can't believe how different you are.)

According to God, though, that's okay: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2)

As Christians, we're called to a different code. We're called to strive to live above the standards of the world and to be renewed by Christ. It's easier said than done, though. There's always someone that's going to tell you your standards are too high.

:"Call me crazy, but I think the first kiss is so special, I'm saving it for the altar.

For example, as a personal standard, I've decided to save my first kiss- yes, my very first kiss- for my wedding. (There's only one first kiss and I want to save that for my husband.) I know that's not a popular goal, but it's one I've set for myself. It's more than saving your body for your husband, it's going that extra step and saying, "I've been waiting for you, thinking of you and I've saved everything for you. That's how special you are to me." The other day, I was telling a friend about that goal and she disagreed with it. I have a few friends that do. They've said things like, "But what if he's a bad kisser?", "What if that first kiss is awkward?" and "How will you practice?". My answer is usually "So, what?"

There are always people that are going to ridicule you for the goals, guidelines and principles you set for yourself, but God calls us to the next level of purity. He calls us to be Holy; to be set apart; to be examples to fellow believers and for the rest of the world. Are we striving to reach those standards?

(Also, for the record, that standard I mentioned above is possible. Joel Smallbone from For King and Country and Moriah Peters, two popular Christian artists, saved their first kiss for the altar. It's possible. Not easy, but possible. Just a little side note there ;) )

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