Thursday, August 29, 2013


As I said in my recent "Summer Recap" post, God's been teaching me a ton this year. One of the things He's been showing me: it's okay to not be okay.

I value authenticity. I like it when people are honest- when we get deep in conversation- when people are real. That being said, I like to pretend I have everything put together. I hate it when people see me falling apart. I take pride in being able to hold my own life together, even when I'm alone. (Which, for the record, is all an act. There's no way I can hold my own life together. I fail at best.) I don't like to be open all the time. I like to be fake.

Yes. There. I said it. I am a hypocrite. The worst hypocrite in the world. Now, moving on.

This summer, I've had moments where I couldn't keep it together. Moments where past hurts, insecurities and all of those things we deem ugly just came tumbling out.

The amazing thing? God healed me most through those moments. He wrapped me up in His arms and held me, comforted me and reminded me Whose I am.

God works through us most when we're vulnerable and open. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. When we're at our weakest, when we're falling apart, He comes to our rescue and holds us together. Even when it seems like He's countries away, He's still right beside us- underneath us- holding us and keeping us safe. When we admit we're not enough, He has the oppurtunity to come in and show us that He is enough and He will every time without fail. No matter how many times we fail Him, He will never fail us. He will never let us go.

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