Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 in Review

Wow. Just like that, 2015 is ending. I don't even know how one would fully describe this year. It's been crazy. Beautifully crazy.

At the beginning of the year, I was planning on going through the Bible in a year with a group of girls. Well... while we had only the best intentions, that fell flat by mid-February. From there, I kinda fell into a joyless funk. Not that you would've been able to tell if you'd been looking at me- I'm really (sadly) good at covering that stuff up with a "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME" mask. I basically felt like everything I was doing ended up being a mess or a failure. I didn't feel like I was going anywhere. I was stuck. Of course, I still made a ton of memories and learned a ton of lessons during that time. One of my favorite memories was probably getting away for a couple days with the Young Adult leadership team. There is SO much power found in community with real, broken people that will stop at nothing to love each other as Christ did simply because that's what He's commanded us to do. I'm blown away by the community I'm a part of.

Later this year, in the summer, I got to lead a mission trip with my youth group. God knew that it was exactly what I needed. That week stretched me in new ways that I didn't realize I needed to be stretched. It was the first time that I truly felt like a leader and it was AMAZING. Difficult. Weird. Crazy. But I loved it. Not to say that I was that good at it... but I honestly think I needed to be trusted with something I wasn't sure I could do so God could reveal more of His plan and power.

After the mission trip, the student ministry team started getting ready for summer camp. Here's the thing about camp: it takes a lot of time to plan and a lot of people to make the plan work. But it's pretty fun when you're helping your best friends. Camp was basically all we talked about for months. There were long days hanging out in the office, late nights making graphics for it... it was a really fun and chaotic time.

Somewhere in all the chaos of camp prep, we had a young adult retreat. It was so spiritually renewing and refreshing. It was there that God started reminding me that I don't have to have it all figured out. I vividly remember sitting on the beach with my Bible and journal at the retreat in early August and begging God to tell me what's next. All I heard in response was "You don't need to know that". I immediately felt peace and joy. I'm pretty sure that's when I started to come out of that lonely season I mentioned towards the beginning.

Camp came shortly after that. Summer camp has been, is and probably always will be my favorite week of the year. This was the best one I've ever been a part of. I got to be on the band this year and do a bunch of photos and videos and it was AMAZING. Kids' lives were changed and it was beautiful. Not to mention how FUN it was. Exhausting? YES. Stretching? Uh-huh. Would I do it again? A million times over!!! Worshiping at camp with all of the incredible students and leaders is an unforgettable experience.

After that I felt weirdly empowered, stoked on Jesus and life and super creative. That was only fueled further by the Hillsong concert a couple of friends and I attended. That concert inspired me in ways I couldn't have imagined. It was awesome.

Later, another thing happened that confirmed what I've felt called to for a while: ministry. It was such a relief to truly know that I'm pursuing what I'm supposed to be pursuing. Since then, quite a few doors have opened and I'm absolutely in love with where God has me. It's challenging and difficult but I've never felt more purpose than I do right now.

2015 was a year of questions, followed by clarity. It's been a year of community, creativity, growth and memories that I never want to forget. God is so good and He is so faithful. I'm so thankful for the people He's placed in my life to speak encouragement into me while challenging and keeping me accountable. If 2016 is going to be anything like 2015, I CANNOT WAIT. It's going to be amazing. Here's to more Bible studies, more weekends, more camps, more starbucks runs, more new life, more joy,
deeper friendships, more adventures and just a whole lot of fun. Let's do this, 2016.

On another note, here are some of my favorite photos from my favorite memories this year.

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