Saturday, December 20, 2014

Nineteen Things This Year Has Taught Me

As of today, I've officially lived to see age 19. I've been told that life goes by in the blink of an eye and I totally believe it! That being said, I've somehow managed to glean a few lessons this past year. Here are 19 small ones that I think are pretty important.

1) It's okay to not be okay.

Stop wearing a mask. Everyone hurts, everyone messes up, everyone goes through hard times. Wouldn't it just be easier to admit that we're all not okay and accept that that's okay?

2) You need time to just be with your thoughts, God and His Word

This seriously makes EVERYTHING better. I used to be the absolute worst at this and still struggle with making time to just be still, pray and read my Bible. I've found that doing it first thing in the morning, downloading a devotional app and just committing to doing it are really helpful,

3) You NEED people.

You're going to go through hard times and you need people to lean on, talk to and to pray for and with you. It's amazing what a simple coffee date or conversation with like minded people can do for your soul.

4) Don't go a day without laughter.

Because, let's be real, laughing is the best.

5) Comfort zones are stupid.

They're cages constructed of fear. The Bible says not be afraid hundreds of times, so why should I be caged to my comfort zone if the Bible says not to be? (Hint: I shouldn't be.) Step out in faith and you'll find that God's got you every step of the way.

6) Don't be afraid of people.

Coming from someone that was incredibly intimidated by certain people during this time last year, being afraid of people is stupid. We're all on the same level, so don't put people on a pedestal. They'll eventually get knocked off. I'm SO guilty of this and had to learn this lesson the hard way.

7) Falling in love with Jesus is the best thing that you can ever do.

The love of Christ is incredible. It defies all of our earthly thoughts, customs and ways. You can never know too much about Jesus and the more you know, the more you'll fall in love with Him.

8) It's okay to look ridiculous.

Take the selfie. Do the stupid dance move. Make the weird face. Let loose every once in a while and stop being so worried about what people think of you.

9) Random adventures are the best.

Say YES to adventure. Go to the waterfall with your small group. Drive an hour to take photos at a lake at the base of a mountain. Get out of your comfort zone.

10) You need to be intentional in everything.

Do things with purpose. Stop making excuses. Be passionate in your pursuits. Keep learning. Think for yourself. Don't give up.

11) Not everyone will like everything you do and that's is GREAT.

It's hard to hear criticism but when people tell you what you're doing wrong, or that they don't like what you're doing, but that's when you own up to any mistakes you've made, take their feelings into consideration, change if it's necessary and move on. Live and learn, ya'll. Live and learn.

12) Siblings are weird and crazy, but they're the best friends you'll ever have.

My little sister, Ky, is seriously the strangest, craziest coffee-addict I know, but she's always there for me and I love her. Be willing to build relationships with your siblings and fantastic things will happen.

13) Family ties are the strongest bonds you'll ever know.

Family will always be there for you and I find that I often take that for granted. Cherish your family members and don't just tell them you love them, show them. #preachingtomyself

14) You don't have to be the smartest/most talented/most able/most experienced to be used.

You just need to be willing to serve and God will find a way to use you.

15) Forgiveness is really, really important.

If you don't decide to forgive and let go, you'll essentially suffocate from bitterness. Don't let that happen. Choose to show love to the person that hurt you and forgive them. (Easier said than done... I know.)

16) Most problems aren't as big as they seem.

When problems show up, take a step back and breathe in deep. Try to gain a little perspective and you'll probably find out that the "huge, life changing" thing you're dealing with isn't as big as it seems.

17) Wait to send that text/email.

I'm not saying you can't write out that text or email explaining how you feel or why you're right, (AKA why they're wrong) I'm just saying that it's probably wisest to let the message sit for a day before you send it. You'll avoid a lot of unnecessary conflict. Who knows? Maybe you'll end up realizing that you don't need to send that note and there's a better way to deal with the conflict. (This is me speaking from experience.)

18) Don't be afraid to say "yes".

Say yes to helping whenever you can, say yes to helping a friend that's going through a hard time, say yes to what you think God is calling you to do and say yes to things that will stretch you.

19) Every day has the potential to be the best. day. ever.

And depending on your outlook, it will be!

These are just little things I've learned this past year. You can ignore them or learn from them, it's truly up to you. Here's to another incredible year!

1 comment:

  1. So PROUD of YOU Kandis!! So many great words of wisdom!! So happy to see that you are Pressing in and allowing God to shape you into the Wonderful vessel He can use!! I Love You!! Uncle Kelvin
