Sunday, May 26, 2013

One Year.

This year's flown by. As most of you (probably all of you) know my family had a kind of rough start to 2012 with leaving our old church. That was a weird season and I'm super glad that we're out of it, for the most part. (What I mean by for the most part: I still have days where I miss people a ton and wonder what it would be like if we had never left, but other than that, we're out of it.)

Seriously, despite the sleepless nights, tears, fights and (sadly) loss of friendships and family members that the whole ordeal brought about, tons of good has come from it. I'm not even sure where to begin.

This weekend marks the weekend we started going to CCC. A year ago this weekend, we stepped into our first service at our current home church. It took a ton of prodding and dragging me to get there. I didn't want to go. AT ALL. I was "happy" where I was. (Ha! Not. But I pretended I was.) I didn't want to leave all I'd ever known.

When we got there, I remember thinking it was a little weird. I don't know why I thought that, but I did and I sat in the row of chairs with my parents and a couple friends thinking about how much I didn't want to be there.

Anyway, flash forward to today.  I literally spend at least 3 days of the week there. This week, I'll actually be spending 5. And I love every minute of it!

Okay, that's a very brief recap of the year. I'm not done yet, though. What good things came of what I would consider to be the worst time of my life, so far? Where do I begin... the list is SO SO long.

1.) Faith. Through that stormy season, I didn't really have anyone to lean on except God. (Who's the best and only One you can lean on at all times.) I wasn't sure who I could trust. I felt like everyone was betraying me. God got me through that and He can get me through anything.

2.) Family. My family grew a lot closer to each other. I don't know how to explain it, really. I just know that my sister and I are now best friends, when we used to be enemies. My mom, dad and I get along better than we did. (though I'm occasionally (read: often) more stubborn than I should be on some (most) issues and argue with them...) It's kind of funny, because people said Kylene and I were going to fall away from our family because my parents were teaching us to rebel against authority. Really? They didn't teach us to rebel... and we're closer than ever... so I guess we proved THEM wrong.

3.) Friends. I used to be super popular at my old church. It was a small church in a small town and I'd grown up there. Then I came to CCC and thought I knew no one. Surprisingly, I found out that almost 1/2 of our co-op families go there, so I did have friends! It was (and is) really cool getting to see old friends at church. I hadn't seen some of them in years. That's not the end of it though!

About 8ish months ago, we became part the youth group, C7. This youth group is amazing. At the same time, we joined "Revo Band" (currently "Heirs") the church's youth group worship team. We were immediately welcomed and accepted. We didn't have to try to impress anyone, we didn't need to wear any masks... it was like a whole new concept. There are currently 18 (I think? About? I don't know...) teens and leaders in the band and it's just awesome. I've gained some amazing brothers and sisters from Heirs. It's so encouraging to be able to gather with people that are there to support each other and above all, glorify the Creator.

4.) Dreams. Again, how do I explain this? It's... difficult. In a nutshell, I'm able to dream again. To think about the future, while living and loving the present moment. Those dreams are coming true, too! I'll have to give more on that in a couple weeks though... there's some very exciting news!

In the meantime, go follow Heirs on facebook and on twitter.

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